financial freedom : a proven path to all the money you will ever need(财务自由:一条通往你所需要的所有金钱的途径)


The International Best Seller 

“This book blew my mind. More importantly, it made financial independence seem achievable. I read Financial Freedom three times, cover-to-cover.” (Lifehacker

Money is unlimited. Time is not. Become financially independent as fast as possible.

In 2010, 24-year-old Grant Sabatier woke up to find he had $2.26 in his bank account. Five years later, he had a net worth of over $1.25 million, and CNBC began calling him “the Millennial Millionaire”. By age 30, he had reached financial independence. Along the way, he uncovered that most of the accepted wisdom about money, work, and retirement is either incorrect, incomplete, or so old-school it’s obsolete. 

Financial Freedom is a step-by-step path to make more money in less time, so you have more time for the things you love. It challenges the accepted narrative of spending decades working a traditional nine-to-five job, pinching pennies, and finally earning the right to retirement at age 65, and instead offers listeners an alternative: Forget everything you’ve ever learned about money so you can actually live the life you want.

Sabatier offers surprising, counterintuitive advice on topics such as how to:

  • Create profitable side hustles that you can turn into passive-income streams or full-time businesses
  • Save money without giving up what makes you happy
  • Negotiate more out of your employer than you thought possible
  • Travel the world for less
  • Live for free – or better yet, make money on your living situation
  • Create a simple, moneymaking portfolio that only needs minor adjustments
  • Think creatively – there are so many ways to make money, but we don’t see them.

But most importantly, Sabatier highlights that while one’s ability to make money is limitless, one’s time is not. There’s also a limit to how much you can save, but not to how much money you can make. No one should spend precious years working at a job they dislike or worrying about how to make ends meet. Perhaps the biggest surprise: You need less money to “retire” at age 30 than you do at age 65.

Financial Freedom is not merely a laundry list of advice to follow to get rich quick – it’s a practical road map to living life on one’s own terms, as soon as possible.

《Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need(财务自由:一条通往你所需要的所有金钱的途径)》
“这本书让我大吃一惊。更重要的是,它使财务独立似乎是可以实现的。我从头到尾读了三遍《财务自由》。” (生活黑客) 


2010 年,24 岁的格兰特·萨巴蒂尔 (Grant Sabatier) 醒来时发现自己的银行账户里有 2.26 美元。五年后,他的净资产超过 125 万美元,CNBC 开始称他为“千禧一代百万富翁”。到30岁时,他已经实现了经济独立。一路上,他发现大多数关于金钱、工作和退休的公认智慧要么是不正确的、不完整的,要么是过时的老派。 

财务自由是一条循序渐进的途径,可以在更短的时间内赚更多的钱,让您有更多的时间做自己喜欢的事情。它挑战了传统的朝九晚五的工作数十年的公认说法,捏着便士,最终在 65 岁时获得退休的权利,而是为听众提供了另一种选择:忘记你所学过的关于金钱的一切,这样你真的可以过上自己想要的生活。

Sabatier 提供了令人惊讶的、违反直觉的建议,例如如何:

免费生活 – 或者更好的是,根据您的生活状况赚钱
创造性地思考 – 有很多赚钱的方法,但我们没有看到它们。
但最重要的是,萨巴蒂尔强调,虽然一个人的赚钱能力是无限的,但一个人的时间却不是。您可以节省多少钱也有限制,但对您可以赚多少钱是没有限制的。没有人应该花费宝贵的时间从事他们不喜欢的工作或担心如何维持生计。也许最大的惊喜是:与 65 岁时相比,30 岁时“退休”所需的钱更少。

财务自由不仅仅是为了快速致富而需要遵循的一长串建议 – 它是尽快按照自己的方式生活的实用路线图。

《财务自由》的作者格兰特·萨巴蒂尔也是Millennial Money和 BankBonus网站的创始人。他根据个人经验写了这本书:通过发起几次副业,并将收入的 80% 以上用于储蓄和投资,他在短短五年内就存下了超过 100 万美元。Sabatier也是所谓的 FIRE 运动的成功故事,其追随者的目标是经济独立和早日退休。

萨巴蒂尔说,除了是对投资的一个很好的介绍之外,“‘财务自由’还明确了一个原则:时间比金钱更有价值。” 这本书与读者分享了投资的真正价值:“释放你的时间,”帕特尔解释说。因为“如果你不断地为赚到的每一美元而工作,生活就会变得筋疲力尽。”


“如果你不断地为赚到的每一美元而工作,生活就会变得筋疲力尽”—格兰特·萨巴蒂尔 创始人兼首席执行官


萨巴蒂尔已经能够使用这些技术来改变他与支出的关系。他更加谨慎,每周都会自动投资指数基金。帕特尔说,这种策略“对我来说非常有效,因为它‘设置并忘记它’。我不必记得把 [钱] 放在自己身上,我也不担心市场时机。”




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