How to be an even Better Manager


This seventh edition ofHow to be a Better Managercovers 50 keyaspects of management and has been extensively revised in thelight of new thinking on management since the sixth edition waspublished in 2004. Eight new chapters have been added, dealingwith how to achieve continuous improvement, how to delightcustomers, how to make a business case, how to manage strategically, how to manage systems and processes, how to managerisk, how to prepare a business plan and how to recover fromsetbacks.The book therefore covers a wide range of the skills andapproaches used by effective managers – what they need tounderstand and be able to do to be fully competent in their roles.Itwillbean invaluable handbook for existing and aspiringmanagers, and will be particularly useful for those seeking toobtain qualifications such as NVQs in management or thosestudying for the core management qualification of the CharteredInstitute of Personnel and Development.



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