Millionaire Teacher : The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School


How a school teacher built a million-dollar portfolio, and how you can too Most people wouldn’t expect a school teacher to amass a million-dollar investment account. But Andrew Hallam did it, long before the typical retirement age. And he wants to show you how. With lively humor and the simple clarity you’d expect from a gifted educator, he demonstrates in Millionaire Teacher how average people can build wealth in the stock market by shunning the investment products peddled by most financial advisors and avoiding the get-rich-quicker products concocted by an ever widening, self-serving industry. Using low cost index funds, coupled with a philosophy in line with Warren Buffett’s, he guides readers to understand how the stock and bond markets really work, arming readers with a psychological advantage when markets fall. Readers will learn that young investors should hope for stock market crashes if they want to grow rich. Millionaire Teacher shows how you can spend just 60 minutes a year on your investments, never open a financial paper, and avoid investment news, while leaving most professional investors in the dust.

作者简介  · · · · · ·

安德鲁•哈勒姆(Andrew Hallam)

 百万富翁导师

 被誉为“草根巴菲特”




财务自由后的安德鲁,决心将自己获得金钱的秘密和成功致富的理论传播给大众,不仅亲身教授投资理财课程,也在《华尔街日报》《环球邮报》等主流媒体发表文章;他发表在MoneySense 及《读者文摘》的理财类文章,曾两次荣获加拿大“全国出版奖”。



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