Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything

When Carol Loomis first mentioned a little-known Omaha hedge fund manager in a 1966 Fortune article, she didn’t dream that Warren Buffett would one day be considered the world’s greatest investor – nor that she and Buffett would quickly become close friends. As Buffett’s wealth and reputation grew over time, Loomis used her unique insight to chronicle his work for Fortune. Now Loomis has collected and updated the best Buffett articles Fortune published between 1966 and 2012, including a dozen pieces by Buffett himself. Through Loomis’s new commentaries, readers will gain fresh insights into his investment strategies as well as his thinking on management, philanthropy, public policy, and even parenting. Loomis has created an engaging picture of a great influencer of our time.Serious investors as well as those interested in the history of Berkshire Hathaway and the philanthropic ideas of Buffett will enjoy these revealing pieces extracted from the Fortune archives.

一部让巴菲特在股东大会上大跳踢踏舞的书。一部比尔·盖茨号召所有人逐字逐句精读的书。一部媲美《穷查理宝典》的巴菲特箴言录。 当巴菲特表示将要授权一部个人传记时,投资界人士几乎一致认为巴菲特致股东的信的编辑卡萝尔·卢米斯是不二人选。这对“黄金搭档”的合作时间长达50年。然而,卢米斯要求该书应该仍然遵循过往的方式。由巴菲特自己执笔,卢米斯负责编辑。结果,巴菲特只能找了别人,而那本书就是《滚雪球》。尽管错过这次合作机会,仍不断有人催促卢米斯写一本关于巴菲特的书,这正是《跳着踢踏舞去上班》一书的来由。 本书形式上以时间为线索,用巴菲特近10万的亲笔文字为轴,系统地剖析了通货膨胀、利率、企业利润、交易费用等要素对于股票投资的影响,厘清股票、股票指数期货、金融衍生品、债券、黄金等投资品种的优劣,提供了分析整个股市的完整框架。在这些体现思想精髓的文字之间,穿插多篇揭秘巴菲特重要投资事件的深度报道。深陷丑闻的美国运通、天赐良机的房地美、命悬一线的所罗门、猖狂一时的长期资本管理……它们完美地充当了诠释巴菲特投资哲学的实际案例。 

全球投资界公认的解读巴菲特的必读书。微软创始人比尔·盖茨、高毅资产董事长邱国鹭、东方港湾董事长但斌 倾情推荐! 




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