YouTube for Business Online Video Marketing for Any Business, 2nd Edition
Shows how to use YouTube for effective business marketing and is now updated to include new business related YouTube features
Includes case studies — examples of businesses, large and small, who are successfully using YouTube as part of their online marketing mix
Includes 4 new chapters that cover the newly added business-related features on You Tube.
In one month over 70 million people viewed more than 2.5 billion videos on
From the Back Cover
To any businessperson or marketing professional, YouTube’s 20 million viewers are a tempting target.
How can you tap into the potential of YouTube to promote your business and sell your products or services?
The answers in YouTube for Business show you how to make YouTube part of your online marketing
plan–and drive traffic to your company’s website. In this book you’ll learn how to:
Develop a YouTube marketing strategy
Decide what types of videos to produce
Shoot great-looking YouTube videos–on a budget
Edit and enhance your videos
Create a presence on the YouTube site
Manage a video blog
Generate revenues from your YouTube videos
Produce more effective YouTube videos